Grandview Lounge in South Point Casino 9777 Las Vegas Blvd., Las Vegas, NV every Friday and Saturday from 6 - 9 pm!
Facebook Live every Friday from 7 - 8 pm!
Mark your calendar: March Madness once again takes over the Grandview Lounge: No Live or Facebook Live Shows on March 14,15,21,22,28, and 29.
and ... featured performances in the Showlounge at The Composers Room in the Historic Commercial Center 953 E. Sahara Avenue Las Vegas, NV
Enjoy the remarkable talents of the one and only Wes Winters -- or, as his fans like to call him, "Simply the best entertainer in Las Vegas and beyond!"
Don't Forget:
Wes's Facebook Live Videos are available on YouTube!
Special treat: Click here to listen to an interview with Wes (approximately 30 minutes) on Vegas Never Sleeps with Steven Maggi. “Wes talks about his sparkling career and how good it feels to be back on stage!” As Maggi notes, Wes is one of the special folks who can be called a “showman” and is often referred to as “simply the best entertainer in Las Vegas.”